Misc. Dodge parts for sale


Jan 23, 2008
1. 99 model DLD transfer case for manual trans. $300 obo
2. 99 model Dana 60 front axle 3.54 gears. $500 obo
3. 1995 reg. cab longbox frame, good condition. $500 obo
4. 04.5-07 5.9 Edge EZ with 3 position switch. $300 obo shipped
5. 04.5-07 and maybe newer Shift Enhanser 3 position TV motor controller works great. $250 obo shipped
6. 8ft bed from a 95 fair cond $250 obo
7. 99 model hood good cond. $200 obo
8. 99 model reg cab doors, no int or window controls, have windows in them $100 each obo
Large items need to be picked up or can meet you somewhere if not too far if you want any more info pm or call Dan @ 937-402-1023 All things must be sold A.S.A.P. if you don't like price send me an offer, you might be surprised what I'll take at this point.
Bed is gone, Shift enhanser is a DTT one I forgot to list that. Send some offer guys stuff needs to go!
Located in Hillsboro ohio hour east of cincy. If you want it we can work something out.