Mobile Welder Setup?


Apr 17, 2007
The local community college here in Tucson offers an associates in welding technology degree. I'm start the courses this summer. When I'm done I want to start up a small part-time business (aside from my Air Force job). Why not make some extra spending money doing something I'm interested in. What are your opinions on mobile welding setup that would fit on a flatbed? Thanks
its a tough racket to get into unless your just doing farm welding i dont know how it is were your at. but around here people expect someone to weld for them for 35 or 40 bucks an hour by the time you get materials and burn the fuel and consumables to the job you end up making around 18 dollars an hour for your investment doesnt hardly pay. thats around here though so do your research before investing 20 grand getting a truck set up
do your research before investing 20 grand getting a truck set up

Thanks idacal, thats some good advice. I am going to check around to see what the welding "market" is like around Tucson. I don't plan on making a living doing mobile welding, more as a hobby, but if it turns out to make me good money I'll go from there with it.
Try starting out with a Miller Bobcat type unit in the bed of the truck you have now. Test the waters with a cheap setup.