Motorsport Diesel


New member
Aug 25, 2011
Can someone please tell me if they have a phone number that is active for Shane with Motorsport Diesel. I've had a problem with the replacement pump that was sent to me because the stroker pump that I bought and paid for less than 7 months ago gave out and needed to be replaced. Someone please shed some light on how I can get a hold of him other than through email. Thank you in advance.
He has a cell phone that I used to text him at. Unfortunately, I never saved it in my phone. But if you can find that cell #, I'd say that's your best bet as he was moving houses/shops last time I talked to him.
He's hard to catch no matter who you are. Over the last few years I've found that it takes several call to catch him around the phone. Cell # (276) 356-7030
^^ that's the # I have. Been a while since I tried to call him, but from what I remember he's hard to get ahold of.
I always texted him back in the day. it sucks being swamped at the shop... a feeling i know all to well. the sad truth is i have to leave the cell phone in the other room just to keep me on the wrenches.