My fathers 04.5 is dumping fuel into the motor...


Ceritified Kleenex Dealer
Aug 3, 2006
Injector stuck???

just came home, said people stopped him to tell him his truck was pouring oil/fuel out the bottom, coming from the blowby tube, checked the oil and its 3-4" too high on the dipstick...its REALLY dumping fuel.

just had a fuel filter change on Oct 5, so its surprising that dirt may have gotten past the new filter already
Sounds like he has an injector body that has cracked. To find it remove the valve cover and let engine idle. Look for the fuel smoke and see what injector has cracked.
Yep, it is an injector. Sorry to hear this TJ. He should still be under warranty so i would let the dealer mess with it. If you need a hand though you got my number.
dang tj sorry to hear about that but it definitly sounds like a bad injector. if he is under warranty still let the deal handle it
now to worry...will an edge EZ be enough to make the dealer void his warranty
getblown5.9 said:
now to worry...will an edge EZ be enough to make the dealer void his warranty

could be, depends on the dealer.

hmmm....pressure box and bad injectors...who would have thunk it? LOL
heard lots of guys running an EZ without problems, when the old man is at the controls that truck never sees over 75% throttle anyway, and he runs it on level 2.
973604x4 said:
hmmm....pressure box and bad injectors...who would have thunk it? LOL

That's why I went with the Juice with timing and duration only, too many problems with pressure boxes.

The dealer will probably void the warranty if he sees the EZ.
Now you know what I was dealing with. Complete mess aint it? He's definately got a bad injector.
getblown5.9 said:
heard lots of guys running an EZ without problems, when the old man is at the controls that truck never sees over 75% throttle anyway, and he runs it on level 2.

theres lots of guys that run pressure and never see problems...but lots of guys do at the same time.

2 weeks ago a buddy of mine called me with the same description...and his only current mods are a FASS and EZ.
tj, when you have the valve cover off and engine running its easier to see if someone shuts the truck off while you are watching because the pressure spikes when that happens. i have found a few by doing this. much easier than trying to see it while its running.
took it to the dealer man, its under warranty. tho after one full day in the shop, the dealer called and said they are working on it, but cant find where the fuel is coming from...which means they havent touched it.
glad to hear that it is being covered under warranty. you know very well that i run my ez daily on level 2 and romp on it all the time and haven't had a problem yet. "knock on wood". what dealer did your dad take it to? hope its not like when matts truck went in for the tranny.
Glad to hear that they are covering the problem. I hope that it is only an injector and that it did not cause more problems.