My Rebuild, 2nd time round fummins thread


New member
May 28, 2012
After spending a ton of time and money, I decided to RE-share my thread with some experiences, advice, and of coarse pictures!

Firstly advice! Take your time, save up the money, and (most importantly) DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME!

Now for the better stuff. Originally, I took a 99 ford f250 extended cab 4x4 with a blown v10. Stuffed a 12v out of a junkyard and a 47re out of a donor in it! Wires hanging loose, ugly welded intake tubes, make shift (homemade motor mounts, and a home built shotty 4 inch exhaust. Truck actually ran well and drove straight down the road, so i lived with it.

Well after a couple thousand miles and some rough hunting/fishing trips, the small stuff began. Trans was acting up. Got that worked out. The thing kept slipping idle, when you came rolling to a stop sign the truck would shake because the motor mounts were loose, and the shut off solenoid acting up. Had to turn the key on, climb under the hood pull the solenoid up, climb back in the truck and start it! :nail:

Finally i had enough.

I pulled the truck into the shop at work and told myself; It will be right when it leaves.

SO here we are with current REBUILD! (cant emphasize enough "do it right, THE FIRST TIME")
Autoworld motor mounts (great company, get into this later)
Complete engine overhaul(get into this a little more later as well)
4kgsks (pdp)
60lb valve springs (pdp)
20 over pistons,rings, std bearings, upper and lower from cummins
he351cw (mark nixon in the mail) over s475/83/1.1 t6 (forced):st:
rest of twin parts from keating, mandrelbends, turbo daves and a few others i know i am leaving out.
guages on order from glow shift.
Still in search of 191 or 024 delivery valves at a good price. Probably end up getting these from pdp as well, unless i find them on here.
New paint in the process.
Building a front bumper.
Searching for a set of cloth chevy captians.:Cheer:

All this after rebuilding the motor once, the cheap (wrong way):nail:

Lets get it right this time...:lolly:
Before i pulled the motor, I called donna at autoworld and ordered my mounts. She told me i got em on the shelf they will ship today! Two days later on my door step shows up one heavy box! Opened up the box to find a stack of informational papers! Had i done this the first time around, the papers alone would have saved me days worth of time!

That is a company that actually wants to help. Just before we got off the phone, she said "If you need any more info just give us a call". WONDERFUL people to deal with.

After holding both destroked mounts (a good friend of mine went with destroked((his thread is on here as well)) and autoworlds, I have to say, I think i like autoworlds more. They just seem more heavy duty. Now having installed destroked mounts i have to say it went pretty smooth, so ill keep you posted on how autoworlds go.

As soon as the mounts showed up, I decided to go ahead and pull the motor.
couple pics to follow...
You know how you always forget to unhook that one thing before you pull....
Throttle cable (looking for one of these as well)

That evening i pulled the harness out and started in on it. Rjustman got me a whole new harness for the dodge stuff! It turned out to be for and rh trans, but i was able to steal a couple thing from it and put together a decent looking harness.

I decided while its out, since I am doing new headbolts, Ill pull the head! Was not happy at all. Had broke a ring in hole 3 and scored every cylinder int that engine. 100 percent my own fault! Did not get it near clean enough. You can try all you want, but a vat is really the only way to go on a motor that hasnt ran in some time. sad thing is i new better. just got in a hurry and was being a cheap ass!

Pulled it down and ordered a set of new rings. honed it out and checked clearances. NO bueno. Shipped it over to the machine shop along with the cylinder head.
Hopefully hear tomorrow wether or not 20 over is gonna do!

Got a call yesterday morning from Ken at the machine shop. Cylinder head was cracked as well. (I cant believe how well the engine ran) I traded a friend an extra block, crank and head for a set of 5x012s. Needless to say his BUILT head he had planned on got put on hold, to get my truck back on the road.(will be looking for a good head to replace his in the near future.)

All this after I had already ordered my turbos. (need to call forced tomorrow and see what the hell is going on)

Awe well you live you learn! SHOULD be getting some more parts in and the block/head back next week ill post pictures as they come!

Hoping to have it all stuffed in by 10/5! The local dyno days is 10/12 and i would love to get it on the dyno!
I do have one thing to ask for help on.

I really want to get my tach working. I used the dodge alt, and PCM for charging as well as the transmission. So I have to use the crank sensor on the dodge.

Now from what I understand the ford tach reads 4 pulse, and the dodge appears to be using 2. Any thoughts?!??
I do have one thing to ask for help on.

I really want to get my tach working. I used the dodge alt, and PCM for charging as well as the transmission. So I have to use the crank sensor on the dodge.

Now from what I understand the ford tach reads 4 pulse, and the dodge appears to be using 2. Any thoughts?!??

I don't know what the V10 tone wheel looks like for the crank sensor, but on the last fummins I did I used the stock common rail tone wheel and the ford sensor. Tach works on that truck and it is a 2007 6.0.
See problem there is, I have to have the dodge sensor. I could rig a bracket but the pulses would be off i do believe.
Completely off the subject but, how do you like the hoist?

I cannot tell you how much I love that 4 wheel pick up hoist. They will pick up 15000 lbs a leg. The first time I saw them with an 84 passenger school bus on them I was a bit skeptical about standing under it. Not anymore. Extremly sturdy and mobile. dragging the legs (cords) around can be a pain but otherwise love them.

Saves you a lot of time to be able to stand up.:rockwoot:
I cannot tell you how much I love that 4 wheel pick up hoist. They will pick up 15000 lbs a leg. The first time I saw them with an 84 passenger school bus on them I was a bit skeptical about standing under it. Not anymore. Extremly sturdy and mobile. dragging the legs (cords) around can be a pain but otherwise love them.

Saves you a lot of time to be able to stand up.:rockwoot:

Off topic again but does anyone have a link for more details on it?
I may have found something to bolt onto the balancer that I can use as a tone ring for my tack. I'm currently looking for the cheapes cam sensor I can find !
Came home to a package! Mark Nixon got me my turbo! great guy to deal with! showed up in reasonable time and was exactly what i had paid for! U guys ever need anything that he has don't hesitate to deal with him! Ill post up some picks next weekend soon as the primary shows up and i start building.
Been a little while. Been way to busy to take pictures. After a couple trans pulls got all my oil leaks figured out! (that little plug above the cam plug is an oil galley plug, not a coolant plug). Lesson learned there. the truck has moved under its own power.

I somehow lost my 12v to the TCC and OD solenoids, so I haven't been able to load the motor enough to get much over 22lbs. Also had to jimmy rig a throttle cable until I get my hands on another 12v cable that will allow full travel.

The good news is I had some extra time to help Rjustman with his conversion! he drove it out of my shop this morning! His truck sure turned out nice! almost made me pull out a few more credit cards! Hopefully he will update his thread soon. Believe he is installing lights and bumpers today! I will get some picture of the turbos installed and what not hopefully in the next couple days.

FWIW Twins really was not too difficult in the fummins. I do recommend an s400 vs ht3b just because of the over size difference. spend the little extra cash for an s400. It will save you a little heart ache.