NADM 2008/09 Pullers


Comp Diesel Sponsor
Apr 23, 2006
Looking for pictures and biographys from anyone, all classes, who wants their name up in lights.

The sponsors and public want to know who you guys are.

Tell us what you did last year, and what you want to do this year.

Send pictures of your truck clean, as well as action shots. Engine and suspension work. Short awesome videos are also welcome.
These will be used for an announcer booklet, on website, as well as our newsletter.

Send what you have to

If you hooked to the sled in 08 and plan to do so in 09 and you were an NADM member...uh-oh... yes you are, lol
What if you dont have anything with your new truck in it?? This will be the first year with it? Guess Im screwed huh?
Darn it! What if its a profile of my wife in her new fire suite with 2 holes cut in the front?? Then will you keep it?