National Television Coverage of World Finals

Had our final meeting today with film crew and their will be covering the event with 3 camera's. After showing them some footage of Pro Street , Pro Stock and Top Diesel and they saw that sometimes the competitors disappear into a black wall of smoke they decided to get 2 boom lifts and have 3 cameras covering the drag racing. :st:

Also they will be on sight Friday to do driver interviews and get various shots of competitors and vehicles.

So lets make this a great event and show the World that Diesel Motorsports is a National Pastime.

Cool, they can film us installing the new tranny in the parking lot that is being delivered to Topeka!
We dont have anything scheduled for friday night except for vendor and competitors to get moved in and set up.

I am sure there will be some kind of activity in the pits and i am sure you all will be to bed by 9pm :lolly:
Talked to network today and they want to cover the burnout contest and make it part of the show.

We are going to take the 1st 10 trucks to sign up at the NHRDA booth Saturday morning at the event