Need a working VP44


I'll Take Two!!
Jul 20, 2006
Just wanted to see any of you guys could help me out with a VP so I can surely diagnose a couple of things. Plenty around but none that are 'running'. If you're looking to up to a hot version and your pump is good let me know. I'd like to swap you a good core for your pump. Thanks in advance guys.
I would like to swap you a good pump for a hot version... :D
I talked to him yesterday and he told me he had talked to you about the pump--hopefully he will come through for you---chris
Yea, just a matter of time. I'm workin on it for ya Gus, hopefully it will be off the truck tomorrow in hopes of it gettin shipped out. I'm prolly gonna hold onto it till monday 1) cause I don't know if I can get it shipped out by time I get it out and 2) make sure the HR is ok for a day or two. I was gonna call but this might as well work too for today. I'll give you a call tomorrow to let you know if its off.

farmboysdiesel said:
Thanks man. Paul - you interested in one of the Stage 3's??

I would need more info before making that decision, but yes as I understand the differences, that is what I am interested in.

I do have a SO VP44, sitting in the box, if you need one to try. It has about 30K miles on it, and I pulled it while I am testing a hrvp44. Let me know if you want to use it to test.
