Need Help!


New member
Sep 24, 2006
Major oil leak occurred today. This is on my '03 6.0 that has around 25K on new engine by Ford. Truck only has 86K total. Pulled into driveway and my son noticed a hell of an oil leak. I killed it in the carport, but the trail led down the road for several hundred yards. Looks as if it may be coming from midway up rear of engine and leaking and spreading everywhere. Hard to tell exactly where it was coming from because dark was falling. Seems as if the leak was pressurized maybe because it slowed to a stop after killing it. Thinking maybe turbo oil supply? Anyone had this happen? Just looking for some insight tonight so I might get some sleep. Not touching it untill tomorrow. I just switched to synthetic Rotella and 8oz. of RevX last week. Now I know what $200 looks like laying in my driveway! Steven.
Think I found the culprit. May be another failed ICP sensor. I've never had one leak this bad this suddenly though. I will pull that hard to get to plastic piece of crap out tomorrow for a look-see.