Need some help guys w/ 02 cummins!!!


New member
Nov 8, 2008
My brother just bought a 02 cummins w/ a 5 spd in it. the truck has 67,000 miles on it and when u are driving down the road at around 55 to 70 it will just lose power u can take ur foot of the pedal and press it again and its just a dog, but if u down shift or press the accelorator a few times it will come back. we change out the stock lift pump replaced it with a airdog 150 system, as we were changing out the tank we found dirt rocks and looked like algae< so we cleaned out the tank, treated it and we r still having problems. hes had it about a week and the dealership doesnt want to mess with it< said there was nothing wrong when they had it so if u guys have any ideas we would appreciate them. thanks
Ok, maybe you did this and I missed it, but swap the fuel filter first. Then going from there check out the injection pump. Sounds like it couldve been damaged in all this.
sorry about that the fuel filter were changed out after we found all the stuff in the tank.
Have you tried a map sensor? I've had a ton of troubles with map sensor related issues and they don't always trip a code. If you have a scanner, it'd be much easier to diagnose but it has to read the cummins ECM (I think) in order to accurately watch parameters. Not saying the material in the tank isn't an issue but your symptoms in my experience represent a faulty map.
sounds like TPS/APPS sensor to me.....they don't always throw codes FYI
bad switch on circuit board witch is part of vp44 i have same problem and am about to try to solder in a new switch. I guess that circuit board over heats if you starve injection pump.
thanks for u guys help but the dealership ended up making it right and r going to have it fixed, there claiming it is the injector pump but we will see thanks again