Need some help my truck died today


New member
Jul 7, 2009
Iwas driving today about 20 mph Comp box on 5 went to get on it a little bit started taking off good then it started sputtering bretty bad almost sounded like it was hitting a rev limiter. So i pulled over and the truck died, now it just turns over will not start I can hear the fass running, 1/2 tank of fuel, checked fuses, unpluged the comp box, still just turning over will not fire. Checked codes i had a 1899,1693,0380,0501. Any ideas thanks.
this may sound stupid to your fuel gauge truck died with almost 1/2 tank and i was out of fuel. you have lots of codes. one is a speed sensor. how is your lift pump?
id make sure theres actually diesel in it, we had one run out and was reading 1/4 of a tank, also ive had mine cut off and had to crack the injector lines
Bet your tank guage went bad. Mine did the same thing. Put some fuel in her and crack the fuel lines
Hate to say it ,but it kinda sounds like a toasted vp. My buddies truck did about that when his went.
Did not even think about about a bad fuel guage. I'll try putting some fuel in the old s.o.b.
Try adding fuel first. Worst case is the VP went South. Same exact thing other then the sputtering happened to me a few months ago, comp box and all.