Need some help on BDTD program selection


Owner of the Black Beach
May 18, 2007
My son has an '06 Powerstroke 6.0. I have a BDTD from my '04 CTD. He has NO supporting mods on his truck and is a contractor. He is looking for a program for this BDTD that would give him some additional pop while he is just daily driving and with low loads. Also it would be nice to have a little extra for his towing needs (around 12k usually when towing) without pushing the limits of his otherwise stock truck. What I need is the program number from Bully Dog that you would recommend for this application.

Pls advise and I appreciate your assistance.

The only thing I have heard and seen on a couple of guys trucks locally is that the Bullydog pops headgaskets. The guys that have the SCT dont have the same problems.
I would also recommend going with custom SCT files, but, I haven't heard many horror stories associated with Bully Dog stuff. They may not put down the most hp or have the quickest et's but for overall daily use, those that I know that are using the tripp-dog are not unhappy with it.
Bully Dog

The $$$ is already spent on the Bully Dog so that's what I'm giving to him,.. I just need the right program number for his needs explained previously.

I used to have the Triple Dog before I got the SCT. All I did was go to the bully dog website and download their updater. Plug her in with a USB cable and it would automatically update the box to the correct version of tune.
Sorry we're not more help man. Just not many of us have any experience with it. Good luck with it and let us know how it goes!
I like what pops up in the mode 9 info at the dealer. Copyright Bullydog Technologies Blah Blah Blah We have analy raped your PCM strategy code. There are some other characters in there that I think I need to hold down certain keys or convert my keyboard to type in arabic. But thats what will be in there when you get a crank no start from it not having a correct file shoved in there. Just something to keep in mind.