Need some tech help,.... PLS!!!


Owner of the Black Beach
May 18, 2007
Here's the situation. Reader's digest version: My truck quits making HP on the dyno at exactly 2450 rpm. It doesn't make a hoot what dl'ers or box is on it,... it flat lines at 2450 like the ecm doesn't like something. My truck is pretty heavily modded but I'm not running anything that I don't see on a lot of other trucks so pls take a look at my sig and if you know what it is that is causing this I'd appreciate knowing where to go for a fix.

Also when we took the dl and fueling box off and just running on injectors with my foot on the floor on the dyno/ or street (didn't matter which) then it will power up good till the 2450 and then it crashes and then it powers up and then crashes over and over again all while the pedal is down. The truck is undrivable without some power adder on there as at least the dl or fueling box either one will somehow mask the crashing part and just stop making HP at the 2450.

This is driving me nuts. I really need some help here guys.

Does anyone else think this is a bad ecm?

Thoughts????????????????? :bang :bang :doh:
Need tech help

OT-OF-Here said:
Here's the situation. Reader's digest version: My truck quits making HP on the dyno at exactly 2450 rpm. It doesn't make a hoot what dl'ers or box is on it,... it flat lines at 2450 like the ecm doesn't like something. My truck is pretty heavily modded but I'm not running anything that I don't see on a lot of other trucks so pls take a look at my sig and if you know what it is that is causing this I'd appreciate knowing where to go for a fix.

Also when we took the dl and fueling box off and just running on injectors with my foot on the floor on the dyno/ or street (didn't matter which) then it will power up good till the 2450 and then it crashes and then it powers up and then crashes over and over again all while the pedal is down. The truck is undrivable without some power adder on there as at least the dl or fueling box either one will somehow mask the crashing part and just stop making HP at the 2450.

This is driving me nuts. I really need some help here guys.

Does anyone else think this is a bad ecm?

Thoughts????????????????? :bang :bang :doh:

Sure hope the tech-types are back from a long weekend. :bang

Can count on one hand how many ecm's have gone bad in 5 yrs.if ECM is bad I doubt smarty would work. Should detect era's in stock programming, something not in parameter. With or without boxes on the truck it crashes at 2450? Do you have fuel gauges? rail and lift press? If you don't have a rail gauge and supply press is good. check your PRV and FCA. Another thing to look at is how is it idling? surging? does it sound like a 12V. FCA is sticking. also, take a peek at you mag pickup. had 03 decide to chew its up slowly causing erratic problems in timing. Without hearing and seeing truck, I would look at fuel delivery issue and/or timing issue. sounds like a hardware problem not a software problem.$.02
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truck problem

The truck was on the dyno a complete day. The tech tested all day long and changed and replaced with new or good parts almost everything you can imagine including the fca, map etc etc etc. The lift pump pressure stayed steady at 26psi and the high pressure was being read constantly on a DBIII and the tech said no hi press problem at any time on any run. I had three different dl on the truck and two different pressure boxes and the result was the same with any of those or without any of those and that was the HP line on the dyno made a hard right at exactly 2450 rpm and the hp never changed the rest of any run. The trucks rpm will hit 3300-3500 rpm all while this is doing this plateauing of the hp.

ok, so the truck still pulls on the big end? just doesn't make any power. if your ecm is bad it was self inflected by a power surge while being programmed. you should be able to tell if ecm is at fault with the scanner you were using. in the real world it should tell you something aka "comm error". In the era of programmers, more and more of factory parameters in the ecm's are coming up erased and nobody knows how? Nobodies product is traceable, I can detect any one of these products when trucks come in for warranty. my best educated guess would be that you have missing timing and fuel tables. (high rpm). my humble opinion.$.02
California tech

sootman said:
ok, so the truck still pulls on the big end? just doesn't make any power. if your ecm is bad it was self inflected by a power surge while being programmed. you should be able to tell if ecm is at fault with the scanner you were using. in the real world it should tell you something aka "comm error". In the era of programmers, more and more of factory parameters in the ecm's are coming up erased and nobody knows how? Nobodies product is traceable, I can detect any one of these products when trucks come in for warranty. my best educated guess would be that you have missing timing and fuel tables. (high rpm). my humble opinion.$.02

A California tech over on DTR sent me a PM and told me to have the User Fueling State ck'd at the dealership. Sound right??


yeah, that is in the right direction. is your truck under warranty? if you know a mod friendly dealer great, but if not, your vin. will be flagged. from your sig you haven't been concerned about that for awhile. good luck.$.02

sootman said:
yeah, that is in the right direction. is your truck under warranty? if you know a mod friendly dealer great, but if not, your vin. will be flagged. from your sig you haven't been concerned about that for awhile. good luck.$.02

Yep, I think I have that issued covered. Need to get it in.