Need to find Dowels


New member
Jan 7, 2008
where can I find wood dowels or can I make them? For the cam.
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Ace or any hardware store. Or if you can take the tappet cover off tie some zipties around the tops.
What they all said. I picked mine up at the local lumberyard. A tip I found that really worked good for me was wrapping the ends that go into the lifters with a little electrical tape to make them fit really tight. Mine pop down into the lifters HARD but you also have to give them a good pull to get them out.
I really hate dropping lifters.
What they all said. I picked mine up at the local lumberyard. A tip I found that really worked good for me was wrapping the ends that go into the lifters with a little electrical tape to make them fit really tight. Mine pop down into the lifters HARD but you also have to give them a good pull to get them out.
I really hate dropping lifters.
I dont remember what size dowels I bought, I wanna say 3/8". They were slightly larger, take a hacksaw a put a single grove in the end and put a tapper on them with a bench grinder. The gap allows for the tip to compress as you but them into the tappet.

I am not a fan of the tape idea, oil gets to that glue and you are trying to fish tape out of you motor.......
I think mine were 3/8 or 1/2".

I cut one the same length as the pushrods, then slotted with a hacksaw, and beveled the end. Only made 1

I placed a #4 hose clamp over the lifter, inserted the dowl, then pull the lifter up and tightended the clamp.

Removed the dowl and repeated.

Hose clamps held them up for 2 weeks.
Lowes. 7/16"? I can't remember either. Just take a new tappet along with you and get the one that almost doesn't go on.