New Convert


A Big Deal
Jul 3, 2007
It looks like I'm not the only one who has left the Nazi regime (DTR)....Cruising around the internet for other sites and came across this one. Recognized a few names and after reading a couple of posts it sounds like Hitler and Goering don't own "all" the internet space. Hello to all, and I look forward to saying whatever I damn well please without getting lectured by mommy and daddy...Did I mention DTR sucks? :bang
Welcome aboard man....good to see all of you guys coming over here! Seems like there are more and more everyday leaving that site!
Gotlift01 said:
Welcome aboard man....good to see all of you guys coming over here! Seems like there are more and more everyday leaving that site!

And all for the same reason....Hitler and Goering think they're everyones mommy and daddy....:hehe:
Good to see you over here bud. Hopefully we'll get the rest of the ntx guys over.