New from Missouri


New member
Mar 21, 2010
just heard about the forum on another site. and thought I would sign up. Not really in this for competition but am new to the Diesel thing and decided there would probably be some great info here from guys that really beat on their trucks. I just plan on towing with mine for boating season and my right foot is pretty darn heavy too. So in the future I'm going to do an exhaust, do some beefing up of the tranny and then maybe a small turbo upgrade and a smarty jr. I want to be able to use the extra power when towing so all upgrades will need to be towing friendly.

Anyway Hello everyone!

P.S. Used to have a 496 big block gas Suburban recently switched to diesel.
Welcome to the site! And being a member on some "other" diesel sites I have to say this one is the best. Where in MO are you from?
Welcome, I am also from missouri although work keeps me away.