New From South West Ohio


New member
May 22, 2008
Just wanted to say hey. I live about 25 miles east of Cincinnati. Just wanted to introduce myself.

Welcome! Glad to see all these Ohio boys on the site. Hopefully they'll all show up for the NHRDA Race in June! That'll be a good event there! Enjoy CompD and all it has to offer...:D
HAHAHAHA yesir that was me. I was with kyle. We were with you whent he cops came to shut us down.
Welcome from Ross Ohio, not too far from ya. You make it to the Halfway to Hazard, Aldean, Mcgraw concert last night?
Real Close. I'm in Batavia/Owensville area.

Hey Chris, ya i know who you are. I have pulled out there a few times. I am friends with justin senior if you know who that is. Probably haven;t really talk to you much out there though.
Welcome from Ross Ohio, not too far from ya. You make it to the Halfway to Hazard, Aldean, Mcgraw concert last night?

No i didn't make it out, i was fishing near there though, past new richmond. Where abouts in ross do you live? I dear hunt out there sometimes, also my moms side of the familly lives out in Ross.