New from texas


New member
Aug 17, 2010
New from temple tx. Herd this site was pretty good so I figure why not check it out. Nice to meet yall!
Sorry guys. New on this site and looking at a couple of different trucks for sale. Can't pm the owners unless I have 10 post first. Again sorry
Well you set up your avatar before your first post, so you're doing better than me! (That's not saying much, though.) Either way, enjoy your time here, there is much wisdom. Good bit of BS as well, but it's usually called out pretty quick! :welcome:
Thanks to all those who welcomed me! I look forward to being on hear.
Welcome from Cypress, Texas! I was actually up in Temple a few weeks ago.
welcome to the forum, im a yankee though LOL

Its all good grandpa is from Ohio originally. I do got a question though. If i can email someone a pic of my ride for my sig can someone resize it for me then I can post it up. Im open to suggestions on how to do this as well. Thanks!