New girl from Ohio

Question guys. Why in the heck is no one ever using live chat? On all the forums I've ever been on I've never seen live chat being used. What's the deal?! I'd be all over that if there was people to chat with

every once in a while there is some people in it, 6 is a lot.
x2, I'm almost sure this is happening. My baby Jesus is riding a tiger though. Life of Pi bro #saltlife

:hehe: I like my baby Jesus wearing a tuxedo t shirt. It says hey I'm formal but I'm here to party.
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Chat no worky on me phone.

And besides, who got time to sit in front of a puter screen to talk? I don't!
Currently compDing while running on a treadmill. Talent or stupidity......
Welcome! I spent the last few years in Lima for school.

Your and Katies description of Yankee reminds me of the Lima 4 wheel jamboree.

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