New guy from NC


Mostly Motarded
Jun 6, 2011
Came here via the REV-X article in 8-lug magazine.

Looked for about 2 years for the perfect truck. Got serious in February.

I got REAL serious after a track day in May up at Shenandoah when a buddy let me tag along in his truck and trailer so I wouldn't have to drive my My exploder and trailer up to the track.

I loved HIS setup so much that eventually I'd like something similar.

Here is his truck and trailer

But to start with I wanted a proper truck.

Anyway, my best friend is a mechanic at Cummins Atlantic in GSO, but I couldn't ever seem to find a Ram that I liked.

I seriously contemplated getting a gasser because of my ignorance of diesel engines.

I'm a 40 yr old mechanical engineer, so I finally just swallowed my fear and considered a diesel. And the one that seemed to fit me perfectly (unfortunately) also seemed to have the most horror stories.

But I found one with low miles and the Oasis report came back clean as a whistle on this one with all scheduled maint done at the dealership. I'm flushing the coolant this weekend, and getting a monitor ASAP.

In the meantime, I joined here to learn everything I can about a diesel engine and what you guys do to yours to make them reliable and make more power.

I'll try not to ask stupid questions...but sometimes I won't know the right verbiage to do a proper bear with me
welcome! these guys are very helpful on here. don't worry bout stupid questions, long as you willing to put up with some crap talk!! hahaha