New guy from OH.


CHARLIE G's Mobil Auto
Apr 3, 2013
Hey yall, I'm loving this site, you guy's really know your stuff! I only wish I would've found it sooner... I'm a member on several other Forums but very much a Newbie to Diesel in general. At 50 I decided that I never owned a Diesel truck and by God I dove in head long lol. As in every thing money is an issue so I went hunting for a project truck to build my own. Shes a 99 Ram 4x4 Quad Dually, Black on Gray (v10 gas), "The prices was write.'' I picked up a 95 5.9 12v, at a steal and have been chugging along for about 6 months now with out a single hand, or hand out. I took the time to read all the newbie forums, along with lots of post from you guys. I've spent time at Libraries and doing all a I can to teach my self how to use this dang tech stuff to get around on these sites. I thank God I took the time as a youngster to hang out with my Pops to learn with good old fashion hands on... Guys! I've learned lost about Diesel trucks hanging out on these sites, and I look forward to posting my project. At times I'm going to be asking what maybe to some of you stupid. Remember I'm from the old school and flying by the seat of my pants here. So if my questions seem stupid to you and you feel the need to make me the butt of your jokes, keep your comments to your self! I've come a long way thus far and made great progress with the help of some really considerate people. Besides my introduction I'd like to thank those of you who look out for the small guy's and putting up with us. I look forward to passing on my little knowledge to those coming along behind me! Thanks CD.
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Thanks for the wecome guys. Heck Delaware is just up the hill, lol. I'm over by Hoover Dam, good to meet yah.
Thanks for the welcome, looking forward to chatting with ya. Just have to build up them post in order get around on here. Better get my paid Subscription, lol.
Yee haaa! Plain City. Man, I had no idea how many Diesel Head "Buckeyes" wore actually on compD. I know there are lots of Diesel trucks running around here but dint realize till I started getting in to it how tough it was going be to fined parts and help here. The other sites have next to no OH people, and trying to locate parts have driven me bonkers! It's been a fun ride... thanks again.