New Guy to the Site


Diesel Nut
Jan 25, 2008
Hello everyone,
My name is Gecovey and I have worked in service station in Canyon, Tx for 7 years now. I am now attending college at Texas Tech University. In my spare time I like to blow pretty much all of my money on my truck and attempt to learn how to install everything myself. So far I have installed everything seen in my sig. but now that I'm getting into the big stuff I'm getting the professionals to do it so I don't mess anything important up.

I'm having a FASS 150/150 added as we speak and in the near future I plan to do much more including: dual disk clutch, Stage 3 CP3, Silver Bullet 66, and 150 HP injectors. Though this is my current wish list I am still looking for advice and new great options to transform my truck into an absolute beast. Looking forward to chattin with everyone on this forum.

Gecovey Coffman
Welcome to the site! Sounds like you'll have one helluva truck when you're finished!
:welcome: Good to see another Texan. We are not to far apart.
I wondered how long it'd be before you started posting...
feelmecummin said:
I wondered how long it'd be before you started posting...

Well Roy I just figured out this forum even existed and I also started posting on DTR also so I'm gettin involved in everything
Yeah I know people are actually contacting me to give me advice its pretty cool. Of course the first thing they told me to do was trash the banks, just like you ha
youre not gonna find much love for GBE at this site...

talk with you soon.
Well it's not like I have any love for them anyways....the only thing I like about them anymore is there colors are red and black....yup thats about it