New here but have quite the complaint about empire diesel

Disregard what I said about No Limit. They don't make empires cams, I got my stories mixed up. They do however make AF cams for the Duramax.

As for the Op, empire could have been very good to your builder in past and something changed. It happens a lot in the diesel world. People just change all of a sudden. They get behind, have a personal issue, who knows then the next thing you know there's a lot of threads about No parts showing up and kissed deadlines then suddenly they are gone.

Hope you get something resolved.

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They sent my builder a custom ground AF cam for another guys duramax that's a puller in the 2.6 class and he got it right away within the time I was waiting on mine

Sent from a truck somewhere in the US
I believe a resolution is in the works. No Limit does not supply our cams nor does no limit have anything to do with us nor will they ever. I talked with all concerned customersthe past couple days. We have no excuse for the matter. We are taking care of this as fast as we can but unfortunately the matter we have been put into is one I should have scene coming with the over night fame of the idea on another site. We where hit with orders faster then we could fill and then had another wrench thrown into the mix that I am in the process of getting to the bottom of it, and if it is what we suspect you will all be notified of the matter. Hopefully after my phone discussions with all those involved the past two days we can resolve the matter and continue good relations from here looking forward. We are working on the matter as fast as we can and hope to have everything resolved shortly. Again we extremely apologize for any mis communication or hardship this has caused and will do everything possible to rectify the situation.

Thanks again
Chad is going above and beyond to take care of my matter along with other things as well this can get closed now

Sent from a truck somewhere in the US
Chad is going above and beyond to take care of my matter along with other things as well this can get closed now

Sent from a truck somewhere in the US

I would hope so. Screwing up this bad should cost someone. I know it does at my place if something gets this far gone.

Damage control is best played on the front end as damage prevention....