New here! Great forum!


Nov 4, 2010
Hello I'm a little tea pot short and stout.

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Well your attitude and your first post suck, try and pimp your parts or website or even that I AM DIESEL ATTITUDE bs and I'll bounce your ass.

I tried to play the "diesel death" game.....but our network blocked it. LOL

Nice website!!
He's playing possum until the wolves go away. LOL

It's fun to kick possums. They are so fukking ugly, and.... they stink.

While we wait . My wife, the consummate animal lover, had never seen a opossum other than on the road, you know?... squished. She would say aww poor thing and feel sad. Once buy accident I caught one in a box trap. I took it home so she could meet it. Now when she sees them squished on the road she is happy.

Moral is, if my wife hates you, you're nasty.
I don't like being a hard ass, but my high school web design students could have made that for him in a 43 class period. I know you guys are just drooling for the poor bastard to ask a question somewhere so he can catch a 50 cal round of "use the phuckingg search function". LOL
Moral is, if my wife hates you, you're nasty.

I'll try not to make her made at me next weekend. LOL Always nice to get the rental car with "unlimited miles". :poke: Dinner had better not be possum grits and coon fat gravy.