New location for Livewire


Aircraft Maintenance Tech
May 28, 2006
I put it in the upper-left hand corner of the windshield. It doesn't block anything important and it's easy to reach/read. I had to fab up a custom bracket and made a special cable, but I believe the results look pretty good. I also reversed my OBD2 port so the connector isn't hanging down by my feet anymore.

Final Install.jpg OBD 2 Port.jpg
I made it out of some scrap aluminum I grabbed from work. Not sure exactly what kind though. It's about 1/16" thick. Here is the writeup I made on it. The mount also extends all the way up to the mounting location of the sun visor and uses those bolts to support the weight.
thetonka said:
Very nice. How do you like the livewire?

Overall I like it. I'll be glad when they get the latest flash ready for release. It's supposed to be specific to diesel trucks and will fix the contrast issue (it's kinda hard to see at certain times). I wouldn't rely on it for the high priority gauges (EGT and boost). They move so quick I'd rather have a mechanical gauge.