new looney tune pleez


gettin' faster
Aug 31, 2006
hey guys I have really enjoyed the tunes but I have noticed some kind of surging(?) going on in the looney tune. also at highway speeds it loses alot of power when I punch it. It feels like it's slipping. my tourque converter seems fine I recently added the 4" turbo back exhaust and thats when I really noticed the change but I never really ran the looney tune on the stock exhaust so I can't say which is at fault

how much is the cable to D/L the tune ?

thanks I know yu guys are busy moving.
If you have an SCT XCal2 it you just need to go to WalMart or CompUSA and get a regular USB cable. It shouldn't cost that much. I will let Viv know about your message but I am unsure how soon they will have internet back up. So please be patient.

We'll get you going. Give us until Monday when we get internet service back. If you haven't sent us an email, please do so.

I have the same issue's. See my post.

PS. I am very patient Viv. :aiwebs_015: :fish: lol
hey, vivian im thinking something may be wrong with mine as well:confused: i finally got everything straight at the ford dealer with the egr, injectors, and fuel pump but for some reason when i load the tune it runs different sluggish, smokes more brown instead of black like before. i picked it up this past thursday and later that day every time i would start the truck it sounded like a buntch of bolt rattling and almost not wanting to crank.:aiwebs_029: the dealer was guessing flywheel or something just really nasty sound. so i didnt drive it all weekn went to start it up monday and now it starts fine but still sluggish. Ill email you monday.

Hi Billy,

Please pull you strategy and send it to us.

Thank you again and sorry about having to have y'all wait. Now we are set, in a beautiful location and ready to tune away. So ... just ask away :lolly:
