New member, needing some help.


New member
Dec 12, 2011
My boss has a 2011 F-250 King Ranch. He was driving one day, truck has 25,xxx miles, and the truck died on him. No way of getting it started, it got towed to a Ford dealer. First they wanted to replace the engine because the fuel pump, lines, and injectors were rusted and they said the engine was bad. Then they tested the fuel and said it was contaminated and needed the injection pump, lines, injectors, and fuel pump replaced. Ford decided to not cover the repairs under warranty, stating it was bad fuel. So, we brought it back to the shop and decided to take out the injection pump and see what's going on. Turns out the pump took a crap and is full of metal shavings. We found a manual online that has some pretty good info, it states that the injection pump is timed with the crankshaft and camshaft. Before we take out the pump, I really need a manual or diagram or something that shows us how to time that pump, the Bosch CP4-2. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Pictures of the sensor from the Bosch CP4-2 with the metal shavings.


Must have been real bad fuel....with all the Shavings in it and such..

Welcome to CompD!
The fuel in the truck wasn't bad. Fuel filter was drained twice a month and almost nothing would drain out. Filters were replaced 3-4 times. Ford used the "fuel contamination" excuse to not cover the job.
Easy there man, we all know it is Just Ford trying to keep from paying for anything.
if they wont fix it, park it on someone's property near a busy highway and put a large sign in the back saying the circumstances and that they won't fix it. I know I guy that had problems with dodge and this worked for him. They GAVE him a brand new fully loaded Dodge just for him to take down the sign.
if they wont fix it, park it on someone's property near a busy highway and put a large sign in the back saying the circumstances and that they won't fix it. I know I guy that had problems with dodge and this worked for him. They GAVE him a brand new fully loaded Dodge just for him to take down the sign.

if they wont fix it, park it on someone's property near a busy highway and put a large sign in the back saying the circumstances and that they won't fix it. I know I guy that had problems with dodge and this worked for him. They GAVE him a brand new fully loaded Dodge just for him to take down the sign.

Hell guess ill go make some signs - free trucks for everyone!
LLLMMAAOOOOO..... Glad i got my boots on, the Sh!t's getting deep around here.... :hehe::hehe:
Y'all have probably seen pics of the truck floating around. If its the same truck that was in the area, it's a white 4 door with a flatbed. Trucks real, story about new fully loaded replacement....probably not.
You can believe what you want. And his problem was his injectors kept going out and after the third or fourth time they refused to fix it under warranty any more. And yes it was the white four door flatbed located in Gatesville.
You can believe what you want. And his problem was his injectors kept going out and after the third or fourth time they refused to fix it under warranty any more. And yes it was the white four door flatbed located in Gatesville.

Ok, I dont believe it.
I'll put it this way.

IF the guy got a new truck, it wasn't because he put a sign in it and set it next to the highway.
Every piece of the fuel system needs to be cleaned and/or replaced. Same thing happened to my brother's 08....replaced the pump, lines, injectors...everything. Warranty covered it at just over 9 grand in repairs. I'd take that sensor to them and have them reconsider their bullsh!t fuel excuse. It's a fairly common and well known issue.
they can cry crappy fuel all they want, dealers have been doing this since the release of common rail engines to the market.

a)ask them to show you lab results of YOUR bad fuel samples
B) maintain that the fuel filters were changed on a regular service interval and provide receipts

it seems 3-4 filter changes exceed even the ford factory recommended service intervals.

keep goin up the ladder until you get results. and lawyering up isnt too bad of an idea. just a scare tactic.
Pictures taken today. The metal rods are supposed to be round but have flat spots.. Cam on pump is shot, full of metal shavings. One of the pictures shows the diesel sample pulled from the truck today.






