New Rig, new life, new headaches


Not here.
May 28, 2007
What's up, I'm Angela. I'm here because Natalie told me to get my butt over here.

I used to drive a 2001 Ford F250 Super Duty Crew Cab V10. Then I sat there one day and watched my gas tank pour out in a one mile stretch on the highway after I accelerated. After that, I rode a unicycle for a week until I got leg cramps.

Now I own a 1996 Dodge Ram 2500 Cummins Turbo Diesel. He's old. I'm old, we make a great team. So far, he's the jokester in the family and tries to constantly piss me off. I bought him from my brother. He's stock ;) That's about all I know.

The first day I had him, we were on the freeway and he put out all this black smoke, :st: I pulled over cuz it scared me. Once I figured out that was ok, and a GOOD thing, we were good to go.

The next incident was when I went up to visit that DirtyBlonde and there was a VW van behind me with her windows down, and as I punched it to get across traffic... it kinda smoked her out and she wasn't none to pleased. She hollered at me in the rear view mirror and indicated with various hand movements that I wasn't her favorite person, and she was calling the cops. I swore I was gonna get arrested.

He's also go this little blue switch on his dash, I called it the Blue Batmobile switch and I never touched it. God only KNOWS what that thing does... Well turns out Natalie likes to mess with God, and as I was driving, she sneaks a hand over and flips that switch and hollers to "HIT IT!!" :cheer: Jeez, I thought I was gonna have a heart attack.... FYI... DON'T put drinks in the cup holders. The truck thinks its funny to mutiny and dump the drink out, hitting the lockout switch on the way down, and stalling out when I'm not looking. :badidea:

3 days ago, the starter went out. Had him towed home. No one told me I coulda just beat him with a hammer.

We're off to a good start. We'll be attempting our first sled pull in June. I'M scared to death, he's probably laughin. Men.

I'm Angela. He's Greenie.
Welcome to Comp D. Be careful taking advice from Dirrrty Blonde. She breaks things constantly. lol :welcome: :welcome: :welcome:
Welcome Angela, we won't hold your knowing Nat against you :poke:


Next year at TS you will have to meet "LUCKY":welcome:


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Welcome to Competition Diesel

LOL That was one of the BEST intro's I have read LOL
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Why do I always get blamed for people calling the cops when we're out together?

Hey woman!
LMAO!! I got Nat in trouble in the first post. That's awesome.
Yeah... my stories are interesting to say the least I guess.

I don't think I even mentioned that the Fuel Shut off Solenoid has been busted since I got the truck and it won't stay snapped into position, so EVERY time I turn the engine off and wish to restart the rig, I have to pop the hood, jump my 5'4'' ass up onto the tire, reach inside the engine compartment and snap that thing back into the real world... Jeez. That gets me looks all the time.

Let me just say, do not try it in high heels and a skirt, or you'll have the ENTIRE parking lot full of men trippin over themselves to offer their help. All it took was a flip of my auburn hair, 3 batts of the eyelashes and a tiny giggle and I fixed it :P
Awesome intro...welcome to CompD.
I can't believe these guys aren't hounding you for pics yet....I'm almost proud of them for their restraint. LOL
Awesome intro...welcome to CompD.
I can't believe these guys aren't hounding you for pics yet....I'm almost proud of them for their restraint. LOL

Nah, you don't ask a nurse for examination perhaps, but not pictures...:hehe:
omg... I'm practically crying right now. Hilarious. And nope, no one's asked for pics yet lol. Good thing too, cuz I ain't got none. I haven't sold enough dried corn stalks yet to buy one of them new fangled digital camera's. Should be around October, when my busy season picks up and the Harvest/Halloween parties start, then I can trade some corn for a photo mechanism ;)
Ummm...Nat did warn you about Scott..right?? Whatever you do, just say NO!!! LOL LOL LOL
Geez it's tempting to hijack her thread with ridiculous pictures.

Still glad you're here Angie Pangie Puddin' Pie.
omg. no natalie... I KNOW where you live girl. Frig. lol

And nope, she hasn't warned me... who's Scott... yikes, you're all scaring me now lol Scott? wanna stick up for yourself here? lmao

But... get this. I think I've figured something out. HOWEVER, it has to do with the bathroom. And I don't know if I'm allowed to talk about bathrooms on this site. But since "Unbroken's" main picture is of women's breasts, and "Billysgoat" is bouncing breasts... I'm gonna go ahead and guess that bathroom talk is a-ok around here ;) Oh yeah, AND since y'all have still allowed Natalie to remain a member on this site. I'm gonna guess this isn't the site where she got busted for talking about being a woman!

So ya know how a guy heads into the bathroom and he's there for days on end. I never understood this. I mean seriously, there's only so much you can do in there. Go in, do your thing, get out. This takes me like a minute and we're good to go. BUT, men... omg, it's like a religious rite or something. I mean, if you need something, you better catch em before they go in, because they're totally incommunicado while in there. And it could be for a few hours, days or even weeks it seems like... I've NEVER understood this and won't pretend to.

Two days ago, I went to Safeway. Bought my first copy EVER of Diesel Power Magazine. Natalie was kind enough to sign it for me. That's another story ;)
I brought this bad boy home and put it on the kitchen counter as I unloaded groceries. I then proceeded to head into the little girls room and do my business. On my way in there, I saw the Diesel Power sitting on the counter, so I grabbed it to peruse Nat's article.

Three hours later, a ring around my ass, and on the last page of the mag... I saw the light.

Gentlemen, Rock on.