New Rig, new life, new headaches

Oh Lordy.....

Okay. Just for that. There's pictures on the way.
I did do a killer job of signing that bad boy.
:hehe: Time for a padded throne, huh?

By the way, I'm Scott......I don't need to defend myself from the jabs of the staff/membership....:D

I have their email addresses....I simply get even....:hehe:
Natalie Marie... Tell you what darlin, if you refrain from any pictures you may find so appropriate to place on here, I'll refrain from harassing you about saying boobs on another forum, getting in trouble for it, and getting kicked off. What ya say? And besides... lol You'd hate for D's tires to go flat in the night before a pull, wouldn't ya? I mean, hypothetically speaking. Or bags from Mcdonalds fries, ending up on his cute little 5" stacks... that'd be hard on his manly ego Nat...

And Scott... I don't even want to know how you go about getting 'even' lol
I can see right now our newest female member is going to blend right in LOL LOL
Sounds like we have a female Amish on our hands.:hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:

Tcolesanti said:
Sounds like we have a female Amish on our hands.:hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:


Oh Hay-soos, yes. I don't know if you fellers can stand two of us with this far reaching sense of humor. I hope you stick around, Pangela. I've thoroughly enjoyed your all 6 of your posts.

So help me goodness if we start tag teaming you hippy (Colesanti), you'll have no choice but to OD on whatever the drug de' jour is.
lol Thanks! I don't know if that's a good thing or not to be a female version of "Amish"... and I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not that I fell asleep with my Diesel Power on my chest, dreaming of a BMF Air Filter, new injectors and twin turbos or not... but seriously... Ever since Nat turned me onto the idea of sled pulling, I walk around having palpitations.

I sit in my truck at stoplights, left foot on the brake, right foot on the gas... teasing it. Itchin to flip the Blue Batmobile switch and REALLY wanting to see the love affair of black smoke mixed with white smoke LMAO!

I may very well be addicted to something I've never tried... is that possible? lmao, I'm a closet wannabee sled girl.

I've started a checklist... at Nat's suggestion. Here's what I got so far.

#1.) Drive to Red Bluff
#2.) Pee my pants.
p.s... is it really bad that ever since I saw Amish's pic... I've been in love with it? I grin every time I see it lol. It's awesome! Probably because as a nurse... I've actually had poo flung at me, and they looked almost like that Monkey's twin LOL!
Nutin' but love, baby...:hehe:

You can have this one...
whoa nellie... I'm a female. Hygiene is at an extreme high in my bathroom lol I dunno what you boys do... that sounds like a personal issue. Not that I need to explain this, for those of you who have other 'ring' issues, but mine was from prolonged sitting exposure time developed from too much pleasure reading about how Turbo's work lol.
Jeez, I've been here for two days and you boys are already trying to talk me into doing things... Let me get a pull under my belt first LOL.

I am planning to hit Red Bluff for Redneck Games as well as Redding too.
I swear if you pee your pants at any time I'm no buying beer afterwards.
Yeah, that's a threat.

And now that it's been said. She DOES kinda remind me of Amish. Weird. Hey! She's single, boys! :cheer:
DirtyBlonde said:
I swear if you pee your pants at any time I'm no buying beer afterwards.
Yeah, that's a threat.

And now that it's been said. She DOES kinda remind me of Amish. Weird. Hey! She's single, boys! :cheer:
so now that we know she's it safe to request pics now?:hehe: :rockwoot: :bow:
Is some one gunna ask this lovely young lady for pictures or am I on my own here??? I mean come on, I wanna see high heals n a mini skirt standing on a tire fixin a shutdown solinoid, what r ya'll married?? :hehe: :hehe:

Sweetheart, welcome to your next addiction, Diesel power! N hows bout a picture? N where do ya'll comefrom, is this a left coastr thing or what? I need some of ya'll over here on the right coast! lol

Nat, congrats on the article in DP! I grabbed my issue after work one night n was like "hey! I know who that is!" Will you sign mine if I mail it to u? maybe a big ol lipstick kiss mark??? :bow: :drool1:
I already signed Ang's. Actually, she signed my name and we just called it good. lol. Aaaaanyways.


Beats me who the girl in the frog hat is, but I know the gal on the right is Miss Pangela.

(Sorry, woman....:hehe: )