New Rig, new life, new headaches

Say come your shirt's writing is backwards? Or didn't your mommy dress you right that day? :D :hehe:
oh my God... You're dead.
DO not even pretend to be sorry.
Hypothetically speaking... what would happen if a cup of flour endded up in D's stacks? hmm... interesting.

It's official NMT. It's on... like Donkey Kong.

Although I must say... who in the hell would go out in public and willingly wear a frog on their head. And Sunglasses with the tag still on... wow, not that's Redneck if I ever saw it ;)
oh yeah... and lol don't be silly, I kicked the heels off before hopping the tire.
East coast? ha. I can't speak FOR that blonde, because I'm not speaking TO her right now, for above ovbious reasons! But I'm a cali girl lol. And even before I was a cali girl, I was Washington born and raised.

And lol... "welcome to my next addiction, Diesel Power"... who says this isn't my first addiction. I'm a good girl :)
Nobody ever said that Ultimate Diesel guy was good at clothing....Just trucks.

Hey! Be pleased I just chose one. I could go for DAYS, but I know what the pictures you have of me look like. lol. I'm blonde, not stupid. Well, not most days at least :redx:
lol, Single u say huh? WELL, let me wire up some lights to my wheelie chair, n throw a stack on, i'll be there in a few months!

Well I should be walkin in a few weeks again, I'll just drive out there in July. LOL
So, tell me Ang.....If we were to send you a Competition Diesel hooded sweatshirt....would you post a picture of yourself in it? I've tried this once before, but the *ahem* receiver can't seem to post a picture of herself in it...:poke:
partsguy662 said:
So, tell me Ang.....If we were to send you a Competition Diesel hooded sweatshirt....would you post a picture of yourself in it? I've tried this once before, but the *ahem* receiver can't seem to post a picture of herself in it...:poke:

Oh Lord. FINE!
I will take pictures in my complete CompD wardrobe sooner or later.
lordy lads, dem fillies got good toothers and good looks---- dey seem to be perty sharp also---gonna leave alot of you boys droolin' an dreamin', just like as set of newly polished twin turbos that you can't afford---

hey do you two ladies know Bill George???

... I'll take the nearest moderator and pay a buttload of money to get that above picture off this website. And I'll pay even bigger money to the moderator who will delete the profile to the diesel "poser" called "Greenmachine". He doesn't even own a diesel you know. NO DIESEL. That's beyond sacrilege.

Pardon me while I go faint now. FRIG!!
trouble is Scott is a moderator and he don't take money for bribes. Now you'll notice that I did not say he is above taking bribes, just that money won't do:evil

BTW, welcome aboard. I came from a 2001 F-250 V-10 to a 1997 Dodge2500 cummins so I understand fully why you like the Cummins better than your old ride.

now that I can breathe barely... I can answer those other questions...

NAT'S- apparently you are smarter then the average idiot out there... the idiot who'd post something like that, FULL well knowing what pictures of him I have out there ;)

Cowboy_Customs- lol why are you in a wheel chair? but seriously, I would pay money to see a wheel chair with stacks and lights on it. In fact... that gives me an idea ;) lmao

Scott- Tell you what. How about a picture of nat and I in the same sweatshirt. You just send us a XXL and we'll climb right in. WTF did THAT idea come from. Obviously I'm scarred from the mental trauma of living with a brother who'd post such pictures of me lol. (ANDREW MICHAEL. YOU'RE DEAD.) It'll just take one beer and I'll climb right inside that sweatshirt :P

George- lol thanks for the welcome. I absolutely loved my F250, until the beast (not my choice word...) lit on fire LMFAO. Seriously... that's yet another story. But I do love the quad cab feature and 4 full doors. I'm cursing the 96 for not even having suicide doors...
csutton7 said:
lordy lads, dem fillies got good toothers and good looks---- dey seem to be perty sharp also---gonna leave alot of you boys droolin' an dreamin', just like as set of newly polished twin turbos that you can't afford---

hey do you two ladies know Bill George???


Nat... I think we just got checked out for our teeth. That's a first lmao.
That'll explain it all.

N I got lights n 5 inch turnouts settin at home, i'll put em on too if im still in that chair when I go home! HEHE I got a spare turbo too! LOL, I got a few spare parts lying around at home.

Check the link in my signature, on the second page of the pictures of my 93 dodge will explain the whole "light" thing too.

So, now when r ya'll cummins drivin ladies going to invade the right coast?? lol
Don't leave pictures like that hanging around on my cell phone where I can quickly upload them at work and satiate these poor fellas need for pics... Oh and I'll bring the laptop to work tomorrow and see what other gems I can dig up for these guys... :rockwoot:
ooooh looky there Andrew. :D
I have already made friends in high places ;) You suck :D ha!
Some lucky guy got payment, and no money exchanged hands *batts eyelashes*

Maybe he wanted an excellent recipe for chocolate chip cookies... or perhaps my kick arse home made lasagna... or it's a toss up between the lasagna and potato salad :) and you FULL well know that's true.

No more nasty pictures of me kid, or I'll start reciprocating!
WOW!!! Shes a nurse, drives a cummins, has a sence of humor, and bakes some rockin Lasagna??? :drool1: I think im in love!!!
I hope you feel like cooking a LOT of lasagna or whatever else you are using to pay for post removal services...
Everyone.... Welcome my baby brother Andrew, Greenmachine, to Comp Diesel. He's the one who so kindly posted a photo of me earlier. It wasn't too appealing... He doesn't own a diesel :) So he felt the need to be mean. Which... he's done for the last 26 years that I've known him. Although, the diesel that he did have... isn't too bad of a rig ;)
Be nice to me kid.
Tcolesanti said:
Sounds like we have a female Amish on our hands.:hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:


Ok... what exactly does this mean? lol Amish... ? I'm beginning to wonder if this is a good thing lol

But I'm all for tag teaming someone and starting a riot... er I mean a party. Let me know where and when, I might not be the fastest truck in the convoy, but I'm a quick learner ;)