New Smarty Version from Bob


AKA RamWheelsBy4
Apr 23, 2006
Bob sent me a new Smarty version yesterday to try. It is not a Beta 4.x version, but looks like based on file name is a ready to release version for Aftermarket Turbo, stock injectors and Mild TM.

The only issue I have really had with any of the Smarty code versions is smoke while driving in the Galleria area in Houston. Not really a problem for me, but is for the BMW/Mercedes class and sometimes a very good thing for me:evil .

My truck has moderate mods compared to a lot of others, but it is between 585-600hp and runs very good on the track with the Smarty stacked.

I have done some playing today although had to waite for streets to dry after raining all night and morning. It will still go sideways at 50 when shifting if the tires or street have a little water on them.

I tried it with my normal stack of Smarty #6, TST 05TT program and 2/0(for timing only) and EZ on Level 1.

Then turned off the TST and loaded Smarty #9.

Both certainly seemed a little smoother overall, especially from stopped excelleration. My normal somewhat eractic 1-2 shifts are gone, but this could be because I run either Moderate TM or Wild TM.

Smoke is definitely much better under all conditions on mine. Still get some when it is lagged, but not near as bad and cleans up very quick.

EGTs are definitely lower overall and quite a bit at higher RPMs/speed.

This version seems like a very nice daily driver version even with my laggy turbo.

I will run this level for the next few days and see what else I find.
I'll add my impression to yours :)

It's the new 4.4 version. The claims are lower egt's, better fuel mileage and less smoke.

First I must say... my truck is a little built and I have a lot of fuel. When running previous beta softwares, my truck smoked like you would believe. I tried just about all levels in the 4.2, 4.3 & 4.4. All had great power but, I would shut down interstates running them. EGT's were always a problem too. It wouldn't take much to bury the gauge @ WOT

Ok, this new software IMO has done what was claimed ! I don't know about mileage but, the power is still there... a very responsive throttle ( as usual ) and smoke has been cut to a 3rd of what I had before.

I have a few 8% grades where I live which really isn't much but, it was always enough to get my egt's going higher. I took a drive up the grade with this new software and I couldn't get the egt's to go past 1200F. In fact, with everything I tried.... WOT, going up grades...etc, the egt's never went past 1200F, on top of that.... very little smoke. The temp seem to stall right before 1200F everytime. Sweet !! I'm used to seeing that temp+ and a ton of smoke going up grades on the older beta software.

Marco, Bob and all involved seem to be right on track to get the bugs worked out and the suggestions worked into the new software.

I don't know when Bob will be ready to release this new software but I bet it's going to be soon cause it seems to be ready to go ! I think many will end up being happier than they were with the older software.
Thanks for the comments so far. You will be equally pleased when the race version is released.

We aim to please and always keep perfecting our product.

Thank you
Here is an update on the version I have D:210B (Aftermarket turbo/stock injectores/Mild TM). I have put about 900 miles on it with about 650 on the Highway at 75-85mph. It was on SW #9 with TST off and EZ on Level 1 for those miles.

Smoke is just not a worry with this version. It will still smoke some, but is no where near any version/level before and cleans up quickly.

I am still amazed at the low EGTs. I am seeing up to 250* less EGTs at high end hard WOT and on grades. The highest I have seen was 1208* and that was breifly on a long steep ramp with it lugged to start with. I would have hit 1500* easy with my previous version and stack. It stays under 900* where before I would be over 1050-1100*.

I am a little confused on boost which I can not get over 42-43psi not matter how hard I run it. With the EGTs so low I won't complain, but just don't quite understand why.
Power is smooth and consistent on mine. Rail pressure is about stock levels even with the EZ on level 1. Idles very smooth also.

With the Mild TM which I don't usually run my trans shifting is much smoother and my eractic 1-2, 2-3 shifts are gone.

I have never really had any excessive injector rattle with any daily driving stack and none with this version.

The mileage is still around the same as before for me, but the two trips to Austin was with a strong cross wind or head wind and that usually knocks mine down at 75-85.

This version power is certainly less than I am use to, but plenty for daily driving and freeway tag.

This afternoon I decided to add a little timing and TST hp. Set my TST timing to 3* Auto and 2/0 setting on the hp/tq. This did not give me any injector rattle or at least not enought to really hear. It did seem to perk everything up a little. This may be my future daily driver stack settings. I will give it a few days and see.

I will probably kick the TST up some in the next few days to see if I can get more boost again, but that is just for testing. The way it is now is about perfect for daily driving.
My take on low boost,
I also found it harder to spool the turbos.
More of the energy (heat) is being used & absorbed in the cylinder. A more complete burn
That difference in heat going through the turbos doesn't drive them as hard.

Is that good or bad? I dont know. How much heat in the cylinder is to much?
OK ... I believe this is the same program that BOB sent me as well ...

And here are my thoughts on it ....

It is not your SMOKERS Tune .... It has very little smoke out of mine ...

I accidently put it on setting 5 (usually pull on level 3) to take my trailer for a drive around and see how it performed ... it was a little weak right off the bottom but came to life and pulled the trailer alright ... never noticed anything out of the ordinary and felt like it was pulling ok ... i was merging on the interstate and FLOORED IT and it really took off ... Felt really good ... Well come to find out later it was the "90hp" Setting and not my normal "60hp" .... So it did fell better than the old 60 setting for sure ...

I get very little smoke out of this thing at anytime ...

It does feel weak off bottom end but when you really get into it, it takes off pretty well ....

My Tranny likes this tune now too ... it shifts soooo much smoother ... i didnt notice at any thorttle Position my tranny wanting to act strange, except for its normal hang ups here and there ...

I am driving it on setting 7 now and it runs like the old level 3 while at 25%-50% throttle and then at 50%-80% it is like level 5 and 80%-100% is like a slightly stronger Level 7 than before ... and still very little smoke ....

i have mixxed feelings about this tune but it would definently work for a very LARGE group of diesel tuners out there .... :rockwoot:

And have i mentioned VERY VERY VERY Cool WOT EGTs ... my cruiseing EGTs are the same but i cant get this thing to hit 1500 like i could before ... even at WOT on level 5 with the trailer from 45 - 90 never got it over 1300* ....

I will keep this tune until i get the BIG Tranny in my truck and the New Turbo .... :Cheer: