New TNT R Feb 16


New member
Feb 21, 2012
for you 5.9 guys anyone seen, used, or have feedback on new tnt r that was released feb 16 just a few days ago? its version 64.7z. the last one before that was version 63
NOTHING, it is., as said above, just an update for 03 04 trucks not returning to stock when attempting to do so. that is all>
I just did the update. I'm hoping that it will fix the issue I'm having with my wait to start lamp coming on while I'm driving.
Yea, no kidding... This WTS light and cutting power BS needs to be fixed ASAP!!!!!! I was still running TNT 4.16 and wish I still had it in the truck! I did figure out however that even though my truck shows no codes when it does it, if I clear codes anyway it goes away (well at least for a little)..
NO. What you need is a new FCM.

Never use tuning to fix a failure. First you fix the failure then you tune to make it better.

I am having the same problem as well since the update! Are you saying that all of us just happen to need new FCMs at the same time since updating to the same tune?
879Hp/1702Tq at Antrim's Dyno Day with the newest version here.
I am now running the May 16th update, can I go back to this version or the October 2011 version of TNT-R? If so does anyone have the file? When I ran a Smarty Jr I was able to go back to an older file.
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