new to Comp D...

man u guys sure do talk a lot of **** on here. now the only question i should be askin is how to delete this ****. i dont have the time or the patience for all this **** talking...

Don't let the door hit ya on the way out.
You already phucked it up. You should have rolled with the punches. A hot head newbie gets flamed. Go sell you broken chit elsewhere! Either grow some balls or some backbone.
oh jeez

I lovr the captian with just a splash of coke. It amkes the world a etter place.

In all seriousness.. I'm not of your age but this kinda thing isn't just a forum, internet thing..

Life is hard.. You encounter chit like this in person these days too.. It is sure to get worse with the world we're living in now...

You just have to realize that none of this is personal.. Nobody here knows you ( or at least most dont)... Don't let it rattle you...

Its how you deal with this kinda thing that will determine how you can take life in general...

Just pretend it's CompD Boot Camp... And the "haters" are the drill Sgt.'s just trying to tough you up a bit....

Just my .02
David don't you have an engine to rebuild :shake: (I have some traction to find so I can blow mine LOL)

Jolo if you can ask an adult question (and not look like a for sale troll) then believe it of not we can be nice. We like to grow the comp D family but we are very selective and harass the riff raft till they act right or leave.
thanks for the advice swole... In all honesty i didnt mean anything by what i said, i wasnt trying to be offensive or anything, nor was i trying to be a D***, even though i might have sounded like one. i apologize for the smart comments that i made. i understand that im the rook on here, but its all good, just have to pay my dues and take it like a man, i just didnt expect it to be like that on here, but oh well. and to be honest again, i didnt just join this site to sale stuff
Where do you have to be from to sale things?

Do people have many things for sell in your town?

Welcome to Comp D.
thanks for the advice swole... In all honesty i didnt mean anything by what i said, i wasnt trying to be offensive or anything, nor was i trying to be a D***, even though i might have sounded like one. i apologize for the smart comments that i made. i understand that im the rook on here, but its all good, just have to pay my dues and take it like a man, i just didnt expect it to be like that on here, but oh well. and to be honest again, i didnt just join this site to sale stuff
Again, you claim to have read here for a while and didn't expect this?

So you are stupid and have bad grammar? Anything else we should know?
Come on guys.. lol

He made it right and backed up on the additude a bit...
He's gonna be fine... We gotta give him a benefit of the doubt.
Maybe he really hadn't seen the REAL CompD from his previous readings..

Either way .... Jolo, just roll with it. You're gonna be fine here..

We've seen MUCH worse... Trust me.. lol

Come on guys.. lol

He made it right and backed up on the additude a bit...
He's gonna be fine... We gotta give him a benefit of the doubt.
Maybe he really hadn't seen the REAL CompD from his previous readings..

Either way .... Jolo, just roll with it. You're gonna be fine here..

We've seen MUCH worse... Trust me.. lol


He must have stuck in the ford section then LOL
JoLo, there is much worse, trust me,, in fact some of the guys making fun arent really any better,,lol