New to Comp D


Nov 15, 2015
Hi everyone,

My name is Josh, and I've been driving diesels (trucks, tractors, and other equipment) my whole life. Although I've been exposed to them, I've never really done anything with them besides general maintenance. Recently a friend of mine who is has been a part of this community for a while got me interested in pulling and building our own hunting rig.

He introduced me to this site, and I've learned quite a bit. I've just been a little nervous about becoming a member because of how I've seen a few new members treated. I don't know if I can be of any help to the community since I can search for most of the issues I've run into.

Ironically, I did not see any rules prohibiting new members from posting in the "for sale" area despite the many members who attacked a new member just yesterday.

If someone could post the link to the additional rules I'd really appreciate it.

I'm not really sure how I can get 10 posts (from what the other members have said) but I'll try to be as helpful as I can, although I'd rather just read than write.

I've been buying a few things here through a friend, and the transactions have been flawless. Thanks everyone and I hope I don't ruffle too many feathers by posting this. I look forward to being a member.
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If your here just to sell stuff, then you going to get yelled at. If you just take some time and look around this place, you will find that you can make use of yourself. You just have to slow down and read through the different topics and find something your familiar with. Even if you only state your opinion on a matter, it's better than junking up random threads to get you post count up.

Oh yeah. Welcome. This is CompD!
Thanks for the advice. It is definitely a place for learning and experimenting.
Humble intro post. Nicely done. And you know how to "search." That is awesome. :clap:

Welcome to Comp D.
Oh my God!!! A new member who not only found the rules, but read them too!!!! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

Welcome to the CompD.
You're off to a good start.

Interact with us and you'll be surprised how fast posts add up.

We're actually really nice, if you're not stupid, and you don't seem to be.
We're actually really nice, if you're not stupid, and you don't seem to be.

As long as you don't join up and start posting up "welcome" into all the intro threads after 4 days like this asshat ^^^^^....'cause that is kinda stupid. :hehe:

Why the hell would you welcome some other new person to something you have just joined, have no idea what the rules are, or know anyone here? I'm confused.
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