New To Diesel Hot Rods


New member
Oct 27, 2008
Hello everyone, I saw a decal on a diesel pickup a few months ago , and while waiting on my wife to get ready to go out to dinner , I noticed it in my notes.

My bride of 37 years, Debbie and I are on a working vacation in Europe, so I’ll continue to look and smile.

LT Col John Preston USAF retired, Aluminum Cloud Jockey
Welcome! A couple other AF guys on here as well!

We were visiting friends in the Ramstein area, but we are on the next leg of the journey.
Hi to all, so it’s cool to see people race diesels. even girls

We were visiting friends in the Ramstein area, but we are on the next leg of the journey.
Hi to all, so it’s cool to see people race diesels. even girls

Ramstein, Small city near Stuttgart Germany ?
welcome , were you ever in the Texas Area , I am a Crash Fire fighter at the Navel Air Station in Fort Worth , which was formally Carswell Air Force base , a SAC base with B 52’s
I’ve never had the pleasure of being station at Carswell, but did spend a few fun summers at Sheppard AFB not far from there.
Crash firefighter ah , thanks, but never needed your kinds service, but I was always glade to look out the side and see you guys roll up .