New to the common rail


New member
Jan 22, 2008
Hey guys, just got an 03 2500 qc short bed 4x4 with a nv4500 5spd a couple weeks ago. Super nice truck, truck came out of texas, never seen salt. Anything I need to be aware of with the common rail. I had a vp truck before the cr and the cr puts the vp to shame. I knew the vp 24v pretty much up and down as far as sensors and parts etc... I know the cr has some different electronics goin on. Also while reading these forums on the cr I see a lot of abbreviations for certain sensors, can anyone by chance tell me what some of those are and stand for. Thanks everyone
they aren't real different than your old truck.... just has a rail that's pressurized from the CP3 ( injection pump ) to feed the injectors. The CP3 has a solenoid on it called a FCA ( fuel control actuator ) that feeds the CP3 based on TPS ( throttle position sensor ) input. Your MAP ( mass air pressure ) sensor is located on the intake plate under the injector lines. The rail has a PRV ( pressure relief valve ) that looks like a tower with a banjo on it. The rail also has the RPS ( rail pressure sensor ) on it at the front more port. You don't ever want to crack the injector lines on a CR like you do on a VP truck. Air is bled out on it's own.

That should help some... like I said, other than the fuel system they're basically the same trucks.
is there any mods done to the truck already..? The common rail fuel system needs filtration filtration filtration! You can cause lots of damage to your engine with a stuck fuel injector. The only other semi common issue with these is the valve seats have been known to drop or back out causing piston to valve contact. Its more common on very high mile trucks or the ones that have been hot then cold alot like pulling, racing, towing. One last thing... the common rails have alot more options for performance modules, BE CAREFUL! Some of these modules advance timing and fuel rail psi to much and will cause severe engine meltdown!
thats all i can think of
hope it helps...don't let it scare ya. you have one of the better years
A few reasons, the 03/early 04s have less injection events. those injection events have been known to be somewhat related to melted pistons. I'll let someone else explain more about that if they wish (comp d is a tough crowd) Given those less injection events we can run larger amounts of fuel. More fuel means you can add more air which equals more options in power. Also we don't have the EGR and the DPF as well as converters to delete or deal with.
good luck and keep your tunes to a minimum till you get a tranny and a airdog or fass. I highly recomend getting a rail pressure gauge when you can. you want to make sure your getting proper fuel and psi to the injectors from the rail:blahblah1:
those injection events have been known to be somewhat related to melted pistons. I'll let someone else explain more about that if they wish (comp d is a tough crowd)
Hey Forrest why don't you answer the guys Q then since you are quick to come accross as the knowledgable post correcter.
i'm just sayin...
this forum is getting more and more like the cumminsforum