New Tow Truck


New member
Jun 2, 2008
We just got our '08 Dodge Self Loader in at work. This might be the nicest truck I've ever ran. Smooth, quiet, and its got some sack too.


I saw one identical to yours last night a Hooters in Louisville. It was one sharp looking truck. My Fiance' said I needed to get one with a flatbed soon. Man I love that girl.
Good looking truck, Post up some of your in and outs of it once you run it a while. We're looking at two 5500 with the mpl40 beds.
Not really sure what we're going to do at this point!
The coolest feature I think of this truck is the exhaust brake. Me and my boss went cruising around Friday night finding the biggest hills to test it on. I'll post some more pictures up once it gets lettered and striped.
Good looking truck, Post up some of your in and outs of it once you run it a while. We're looking at two 5500 with the mpl40 beds.
Not really sure what we're going to do at this point!

We have an '06 F-450 with the mpl40 with dual winches. It's a nice body, only thing we've done in 2 years is rebuild the underlift pivot, replace the pin and wear pads. Typical wear and tear stuff.
does the engine brake sound like a regular jake brake? how much more bark does it have compared to the 5.9l cr? the 4500 and 5500s has 4.88s like the fords i assume? my and my father are looking at trading my 06 f450 with a 11' service body for a 5500 with a 11' service body soon.
the engine brake is very quiet, and when in use the engine will correct its self to the right rpm to down shift. I beleive it has the 4.88's, and as for power it makes an f-450 feel like a dog. Even got a little tire spin when I punched it in the rain.