New Turbo Break In?


Illinois Cummins Crew VP
Dec 13, 2008
Hey guys, I ordered my new turbo:ft: and i was wondering if there was a break in period? if there is could you give me details about it? its a HTT 64, comes in this 3/4/09. just gotta wait till the wife goes to work so i can put it on. (yes i hide this type of stuff from her.) hahaha
I have heard a few.. But honestly I dyno'd semi's at Kenworth for a while and I put about 3 miles on em before I loaded them down. And I have a friend that works at cummins that told me how their break-ins work. Dyno-mites main tech told me the same thing.. Make sure they have oil and run em.. That's what I've done with the last few setups I've had as I throw bigger turbos on my truck. They do just fine. And obviously the semis get a few miles on em as well over their life span
at the very most. fire the truck up, check for leaks. do a slow run make sure you get some boost to ensure your boots are on right. common sense things. then give her hell.
i have always been told to let them idle for five minutes after install to ensure proper oil has made it to the bearings. then your good to go
I always dump fresh oil down the feed port and spin the shaft slowly before I install the oil feed line to ensure there is oil there at start up. Ofcourse make sure your return is hooked up before you do this. LOL
That's one "Butt Ugly" avatar Nick!!!! Michael Jackson without botox??!!!