New Zinc additive !

Hamilton Cams

Jun 28, 2007
We recently ran out of Zinc additive so we have been looking at how it compares to some other formulas. We are looking at a new type that we have just finished testing. THe results are amazing! In a recent oil change with two 12v's we added a bottle of the old stuff and one of the new.

Oil tested with the old additive had 1375ppm of zinc and 1129phosphorous
Oil with new additive tested 1675ppm Zinc and 1439ppm Phosphorous.

The downside is that there will be an additional $1.00 per bottle.

The new additive in my opinion, offers much better protection for the flat tappet cam but has a slightly higher price.

In your opinion, is it worth the added cost for the additional protection.

Depends, I was thinking that on some of the apps you suggested 2 bottles added. If that is the case and this one can get by with just 1 bottle then a no brainer. If one bottle of the older stuff had plenty of zinc, then not sure if it is needed.
One bottle of this stuff would get you the same effect as a bottle and a half of the other stuff, or enough where two bottles would not need to be used. THe new additive has a much higher concentration.

One bottle of this stuff would get you the same effect as a bottle and a half of the other stuff, or enough where two bottles would not need to be used. THe new additive has a much higher concentration.


When will it be available?
One bottle of this stuff would get you the same effect as a bottle and a half of the other stuff, or enough where two bottles would not need to be used. THe new additive has a much higher concentration.


Then I would think it would be a good investment.
How does this compare to the GM EOS thats available locally for most?
I was curious if this new additive is availible. I have no problem with the extra cost from seeing the results above.
I'm game. I need some anyway. When's it going to be available?
We have plenty of our new additive in stock. We did some arm wrestling with the new comany and got out prices down so it will be the same price as our older additive.