

New member
Oct 28, 2010
hey my names marcus im from warren county i own a 97 dodge an hopefully gonna have on track this year
:welcome: to CompD. Now we got 2 Amish guys around here.
I'm so confused as to what just happened in this thread!
I'm gone for a few hours watching my Rangers and I come back to a dude(I think) admitting to not really being Amish(duh!) another guy(I think) asking for some private conversations, and to top it all off I find out the T$$ used to be an ice cream man!
Travis would you like anything? Vanilla? Chocolate? Strawberry? Smokin Smitty has already taken all the push pops sorry.....
Travis would you like anything? Vanilla? Chocolate? Strawberry? Smokin Smitty has already taken all the push pops sorry.....

Uhhh I had something to say oh wait where did I put that......hang on, I know it's around here somewhere, oh yeah

Guess i should stop fukkin with the mods.... :doh:

T$, Got any of the homer head Popsicle left??