Newbie from TN.


Holding on
Jul 19, 2006
Well I'm here thanks to Black Cloud and this place looks good I'm a cummins fan and like other also just like the big C.
Mountain City is near where TN, VA, and NC all meet. If you've ever been there it's obvious why its called Mountain City.

TNRIPNROR, who does your diesel work? I know of Greasy Creek Performance in Jonesboro and Don's Tractor Repair in Church Hill.

BTW, I did my undergraduate work at ETSU.
Thanks for the welcomes and as for who does my work your talking to him a learning diesel mechance one brake down at a time other people are two expinsive and take way to long there for I get gressy sorry fo not being abale to spell that because I'm from Mountain city and it's as far east in TN. as you can get and really small I could just about smoke the whole town up and circle around and catch up with my smoke.RIP
Glad you could make it over RIP. And being from East Tennessee myself, Go Vols!
Hey RIP, I was born in Maryville, just south of Knoxville. My parents decided to migrate us up to Indiana when we were younger.