newbie here from mn

Apr 26, 2009
well hello everyone! I just figured I would pop my head in here and see what everybody is doing over here. Hopefully I will be pulling alot more in the future and it sounds like this is the place to be for the pullers club so we shall see.....
I will be taking alot of notes on the hitch setups and traction bars you guys are building and hopefully implimenting them on mine so I hope you guys don't mind. anything I do to help just let me know. and I am sure I will get to know most on here soon enough if I don't know you from the other sites I'm on already.
hey tom where do you find the time in a day to get it all done. I can barely do the couple of sites I do as it is.
hey cumminsmannow welcome! dont know what you are looking for, but its here.dont forget this site has a search on the top of this can spend a month of sundays just looking up stuff! ENJOY.
ooohh yes I have been cruising this site for quite a while just never registered. Hopefully I can be of assistance to others as well.
this would be your place then there are a lot of pullers here and some forums just on hitche setups