NHRDA. banquet/sunday funday@ osw.


New member
Aug 9, 2007
we would like to thank, Chris and robin and randy, and everybody at div-4 for a great weekend. we had a decent turnout at the awards banquet. and there were some checks to hand out, to the champions! the food was great and the company even better. i'am sure there is alot of people behind the scenes that we don't see, that make these events possible. thank's too you! the next morning we were at the track trying to "dethrone" shambo! there were close to 20 diesel trucks. even the in-famous matt wells was there! (they'e know him well at that track). and kurt, drove todd's 08 powerstroke. with just a chip and intake and exhaust. still ran a 13.40 before Todd noticed the nitros was off! he just wire it that morning! all and all it was alot of fun. and we can't wait until next year. merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone!
Unfortunatly, there wasn't a "de-throneing" ... Shambo proved his champinship was no accident with 2 back to back passes within 5/100th's of his dial!
You pro-1/ pro-2 guys are gonna have your hands full in '09 LOL
Oh now I was just having a Lucky day! I had a blast at Dixie Crossroads and at Funday Sunday! Thanks everyone!
SOB! We need to have a meeting and talk about this schedule thing so we could plan it around me. :hehe: Food and racing is what I live for.

I finally have my truck running good. HPOP, ICP and #6 injector later.

Them 08's are no joke. Anyone want to buy an 03? Runs good.

Going to Palm Beach Raceway AKA moroso Friday...see what the pig will run.
Good luck! we missed you and your better half last week end you would have had a blast!!!