NHRDA Title Sponsor for 3rd Consecutive Year


New member
Feb 19, 2008
The NHRDA is proud to announce that for the 3rd consecutive year MBRP Performance Exhaust will retain naming rights for the MBRP 2009 Diesel Drag Race Series. In 2009 there will be 6 divisions that span across North America with over 36 events in 14 states and 2 provinces in Canada. In 2009 competitors will earn points in their respected divisions and then the top 16 competitors from each division will be invited to a Regional Championship on both the East and West coast.

Then in 2010 we will again have our divisional series, leading to a regional level and then the top 16 from both the East and West coast regional events will be invited to meet up for the chance to be NHRDA World Champions.

Sweet. I dont get the top 16 deal. If it is the top 16 from each divison that would mean that its the top 4 racers from each class in each divison, making it 16 people. Correct? Anyway sounds great.

Also thanks to MBRP and NHRDA for setting us up with another great season to come!
The Top 16 from each class will get invited to the regional championship.

That means each division will be sending a total of 64 competitors to the championship.

In 2010 there will divisionals , regionals and then a World Finals.