NHRDA World Finals/ September 25th 2010

You are Division 1 Sportsman Et Champion :cheer:

We have 4 Make A Wish kids that will be our VIP's


Lets all make sure we give them a big NHRDA Welcome :clap:

Please let us know what we can do to make it a fun event for them. I had some stickers of the race truck made up to pass out and our pit and truck will be open for anyone to crawl around in.
The preregistration is closed, however you can still pay at the track if you have not registered yet. If you registered, please bring your PayPal receipt with you for verification.

Also registration for the awards banquet will close tomorrow (Thursday) so we can order food. If you plan on attending, please register at Awards Dinner Registration
I can't believe this is so close to me and I can't even come to watch!

Good luck to all of the competitors.
I hope that there is a good turnout of spectators to support the event.
Long Flight and man it was bumpy coming into Kansas City. 78 degrees and Sunny.

Pre registration is closed and i believe we were at 114 competitor's and I have gotten several phone calls from others stating they are paying at the track.

Super Street is going to be crazy there are over 30 trucks in the class.

Talke to Oreilly Autoparts and they are completely out of the 10,000 tickets we gave them

All 4 Radio Stations we gave 500 tickets a piece and they are out of tickets also.

This should be the biggest Drag Race of the Year

Waiting for Ellerton to get here with some Gibsons:Cheer:
Couple more super street trucks here in route. We are in WY, wishing for Gibsons, but making due with Black Velvet. Jerry(OSU Beaver) is along with his DMax SS truck with a new mod or two.
Couple more super street trucks here in route. We are in WY, wishing for Gibsons, but making due with Black Velvet. Jerry(OSU Beaver) is along with his DMax SS truck with a new mod or two.

Sitting here with Randy with an almost empty bottle of gibson:rockwoot:
In Denver for the night should he rolling in around 230 tomorrow afternoon
Better have some gibsons left for me tomorrow Shawn
Couple more super street trucks here in route. We are in WY, wishing for Gibsons, but making due with Black Velvet. Jerry(OSU Beaver) is along with his DMax SS truck with a new mod or two.

That is cool that Jerry is coming , I know he passed on going to pinks so he could come to the World Finals.

Well off to 2 radio interviews and then out to the track to start hanging banners

Oh ya there are still 25 bottles of Gibsons left
Finally made it in to Topeka,Had some trailer tire issues but we made it. Got all new tires in Salt Lake City for both trailers,Thanks to all the boys from II for finding us a good deal on tires for the trailers & getting our turbo installed on our race truck at the last minute. :rockwoot:
about 3 hours out now, In Columbia Mo, left Angola at Midnight.
Ask Shawn how he is feeling when you get there.... oh and do a count on the bottles of whiskey,, I beleive that there a few missing now,, LOL
Sitting in the Denver airport waiting for my flight to KC. Will try to get kicked out of a parking lot in Topeka ;)
LOL, let me know how that goes Michael!!! Too bad we wont be there with the Motorhome, that was a lot nicer than the parking lot anyday
Yup, Hotel Morkable was much more comfy than the parking lot! Bummer you aren't there!