No. 53 Block cracked.


New member
Oct 21, 2010
Where do I go from here? I want just the block and obviously from a good casting. I'm sorry if this has been asked a million times. Any help is greatly appreciated!! Thanks guys. :thankyou2:
my work truck is a 53 that finally cracked on me i have been expecting it for forever... All i did for now untill i have time to do a motor swap was get some of that block sealer ran it through my coolant witch slowed down the leak alot, then roughed up the all over the crack with a grinder and JB welded the living hell out of it.. held really well for just daily driving but didnt last when i pulled a 10,000 lb load yesterday... but for a temp fix so you can drive it without spitting coolant all over it does work really well just dont pull anything heavy...
I want a new block for a fix. But I'm very surprised thats JB weld temporarily fixed a block hahaha!!
u can try a lock and stich too... but ya i want a new block too.