Noob Q - throway performance filters?


New member
Mar 12, 2008
I thought I saw these somewhere. I hate cleaning K&N....thoughts?
I use AFE filters, and on my work truck, I've got an outer sock for it. really no big deal cleaning them.

a disposable performance filter is going to cost close to a re-usable one... I say, get a re-usable one... then when it's time to clean, buy another one, and you can clean the other one at your leisure and have it on the shelf ready to install next time :)
Not a bad idea. I live in a dusty desert and spend a lot of time playing in the dirt. Anyone live in a similar place - what kind of mileage between cleaning? I wish they had a filter minder.
my AFE setup uses a filter minder. if you're just attaching to the hose, you can always drill a hole in the end of the filter and plug the minder in there.

but I would use an outer sock. I wash it more often, but don't have to clean the main filter nearly as often, and when I do, it's much easier than a filter without a sock!!!!!

what kind of power level are you at?
That's another can of worms. I'd like to reduce smoke and EGT...

It's DWitcher's old rig. 434 HP I think.

Do they just the minder...and a sock?

I wouldn't put too much faith in those filter minders.

The old filter on my truck was 3 years old and I never opened the airbox, just looked at that thing. Well I pulled it out and it was so dirty I'm not sure how the engine was even running, let alone running good. Filter minder said it was A-OK!


I just cleaned my AFE cone filter. I stuck a light in it and I see all kinds of pinholes bigger than any dirt I want in my engine. How much will a sock help?

I'm tempted to start fabbing and make some kind of airbox that holds two stock air filters.
BHAF? Those things have considerably more surface area than a stock unit = higher flow capability (assuming the flow per in^2 is comparable to stock)
BHAF? Those things have considerably more surface area than a stock unit = higher flow capability (assuming the flow per in^2 is comparable to stock)

They have more airflow and no measurable vaccum because they're larger and have big ole pinholes in them.