North East Ohio Spring Diesel Dyno Day

I looked back at last years runs with the K31. We ran it from 1500 to 3600. Looks like we cut it short on both ends.
You know What My run started at 2100 rpm and stopped at 3500. What they did was wait till the charger was lit and then started the test. I've talked to a few High horsepower guys and they all complain about the mustangs. From what I gathered is that, that paticular dyno has only one eddy current brake when it should have two. My truck revved like it was on jack stands or somthin
Thats what I don't understand. It never let the trucks spool like that last year. Thats the main reason I tried starting at a higher rpm.
Well what I know is that if you start at a lower rpm there will be a bigger bang when the huffer lights. Hence giving you a larger tq and hp number.
On a side not I see there are a few other people viewing this thread I wonder if they care to give there .02.
I agree on the lower rpm. The turbos I tried feel a lot better than the numbers they showed.
All in all it was a good day, I can tell you this Rob's Ford never got rocking and it still ran very strong.

High Tech, good work even without the R's

Well I'm glad to see that allot of familiar faces came out Saturday, even though it was cold an a little rainy. All in all it was a good day. I was glad to see Wooster Diesel out there, and introduce them selves. Mustang Dyno did show up which was a good thing...more on that conversation later. Want to say congrats to Chris...his truck put down the most HP, and walked away with getting his dyno runs paid for by Grand Rock.

My conversations with Mustang Dyno were little here and a little there. I had other people to talk to, and video's to shoot. In my conversations with the Mustang Dyno guys I voiced the issues I've heard many of you guys express. Mustang Dyno had a sales rep there, a sales Engineer, and a Tech. The tech did not want to mess with Kevins dyno while he was dynoing all these trucks, and run a risk of screwing up the dyno, or possibly breaking someones truck. All 3 guys from mustang dyno told me they were going to talk to guys in charge at MD Dyno today. The sales rep had told me that he has heard some complaints about the dyno, and the large turbo trucks. He seen first hand, along with the tech, and the sales engineer that the dyno had some troubles. I have the email address' for the sales rep, and more importantly the sales engineer. I'll be in contact with them, and working with them to help get the dyno to operate correctly. They did say they would be talking with the programers and who ever else to maybe even write an update just for the diesel trucks. I told them with their dyno being a "tuning" machine, if it can not spool the trucks, you cant tune them. They did agree with that.

So I don't know what the right answer is on this particular dyno. I do know that MD Dyno says they want to have it figured out BEFORE the next big event with the NHRDA. So I may be calling on some of you guys with the big turbo's to help out. I'm not sure if we can do it at TI Dyno, or if Mustang Dyno's will want a few people at their building.
Is this Chris Mayer you speek of?

Chris a.k.a. HIGH TECH RAM I'm not sure what his last name is...:hehe: I just know he's been at almost all the dyno days, and each time his truck gets bigger and badder each time! :ft: :st:
Chris a.k.a. HIGH TECH RAM I'm not sure what his last name is...:hehe: I just know he's been at almost all the dyno days, and each time his truck gets bigger and badder each time! :ft: :st:

O.k. Thanks. Not the Chris I thought.
Josh let me know if they get some new programs. I po'd because I know what the number should be. Maybe as much my fault as anyones. Mustang can pick up the tab. Those guys didn't know squat about a diesel. Thats why they didn't want to try anything.
Josh let me know if they get some new programs. I po'd because I know what the number should be. Maybe as much my fault as anyones. Mustang can pick up the tab. Those guys didn't know squat about a diesel. Thats why they didn't want to try anything.

I'll let ya know Kevin. Like I said before, I will keep in touch with them, and so will Kevin (TI Dyno). I'll keep everyone updated with the progress they make. I'm sure they will need some trucks to test the programs on, so if anyone is willing to donate the time, I may just call a few of you guys. You may be right Kevin, maybe they didn't know squat, and thats why they didn't try anything. BUT with all the trucks there, and people watchin, I can see why the tech didn't want to mess around with it. It would be better to do with less people, and fewer trucks. If the tech would've messed around with it Saturday, and screwed something up, then that would've made a really short day...ya know? I'm just glad they showed up, and seen first hand the complaint people were having.
I thought they would be able to tell us where we needed to be with the load or where to start the test for what vehicle.:doh:
I thought they would be able to tell us where we needed to be with the load or where to start the test for what vehicle.:doh:

That would've been nice. I did see the tech over by Kevin at one point, and they were discussing something. Not sure what it was. All I know that by the time they left, they knew there was something up, and had to be addressed.
Keep me posted I want to come back and run at least the turbo I have on now.
It was a Smarty issue. I'm working with Bob W to get some different software To get it figured out. I'm sure it's just some type of glitch