North Eastern Diesel Nationals, Maple Grove Raceway, July 30th

There really are hundreds at Englishtown. It was well into the 200's last year.

X2, Englishtown was a mad house last year, but fun! other then the parking...

Beach you going to Carisle next week? When I got no response from anyone on DD going to Maple Grove I decided to avoid the 5hr drive and just wait untill next weekend to come out and play....
You are delusional. Probably better that you so stay home, people like you have a difficult time keeping it going straight and in their own lane.

And you choose to drive a chevy, so were are even. My post about hundreds of diesel pickup trucks is accurate and can be verified by many.
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Beech... The cummins 12v car is me. Come over and say hi.

Crap! I need to keep up on my who's driving what. I hate no idea that was you. Nice passes though!

I ended up only staying a couple hours. I watched everyone make a pass then I got a little bored. BS'd with the vendors for a bit the. Ended up going to knobels amusement park haha

There really are hundreds at Englishtown. It was well into the 200's last year.

X2, Englishtown was a mad house last year, but fun! other then the parking...

Beach you going to Carisle next week? When I got no response from anyone
on DD going to Maple Grove I decided to avoid the 5hr drive and just wait untill next weekend to come out and play....

what's going on there? I can try to make it but i've been 4 hours deep into pa for 2 of the last 3 weekends lol.

And you choose to drive a chevy, so were are even.
My post about hundreds of diesel pickup trucks is accurate and can be verified by many.

give him a break Ken is an old timer he can't remember things like he used too. :D lol
And you choose to drive a chevy, so were are even. My post about hundreds of diesel pickup trucks is accurate and can be verified by many.

Don't know what to tell you guys about your NHRDA events, can't make them grow if you don't support them. If your outlaw event at English Town has so many trucks maybe you should consider letting the rest of us know what is the draw? No fees, big payouts what? I for one would love to see diesel events with 100's of competitors. As far as me driving a Chevy, you would get a good look at it's tail lights and still be able to see it too as it was pulling away from you down the track. :poke:
The draw is the size ken, been going on for 30 something years now and gets bigger each time.

here's come crappy video of it, there's not many pickups in it because when they were running so was i and no time to work the camera... believe me though hundreds of trucks is no exaggeration.

I appologize again for the terrible camera work, more of an editor lol


including rigs i think they had around 1500 trucks there IIRC
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Crap! I need to keep up on my who's driving what. I hate no idea that was you. Nice passes though!

I ended up only staying a couple hours. I watched everyone make a pass then I got a little bored. BS'd with the vendors for a bit the. Ended up going to knobels amusement park haha

what's going on there? I can try to make it but i've been 4 hours deep into pa for 2 of the last 3 weekends lol.

give him a break Ken is an old timer he can't remember things like he used too. :D lol

Carisle all truck nationals aug 5th through the 7th.......
We have an event here next weekend called thunder trucks lots of big rigs and also gasser trucks, appears to be a similiar event. There are diesel pickups there but it just isn't a diesel event. In years past NHRDA has had a race there at the same time. Kind of treated us like step kids but was OK, I won it twice so kind of enjoyed it.