North Georgia meet-n-greet

Why not a Meet & Greet in Athens? Lots of stuff to do and the scenery aint to hard on the eyes:D !
Commerce started a couple weekends ago. It sucked big time cause you only got to run once. Too many people. And they were letting the jr. dragsters and other heavily modded cars cut in line and run multiple times. Sat in line to get in the place for 45 mins. Finally got in at 8:45 and my buddy sat in the staging area till 11!! Really sucked. Maybe there wont be as many people this weekend. Just giving yall a heads up

that's crazy.... although sounds typical for there. Lots of favoritism. Guess there's no way to know unless you show up though. I'd sure be asking for my money back with only one run in.
Ok sounds good...Hell yea i'm coming not sure if i'm running my truck though..Dusty's bringing his truck he's going to run and i think i got a ford coming to it's one that jeff and tommy built back in the day....:pop:
Commerce started a couple weekends ago. It sucked big time cause you only got to run once. Too many people. And they were letting the jr. dragsters and other heavily modded cars cut in line and run multiple times. Sat in line to get in the place for 45 mins. Finally got in at 8:45 and my buddy sat in the staging area till 11!! Really sucked. Maybe there wont be as many people this weekend. Just giving yall a heads up
The folks in Commerce don't like Diesel trucks:( I won't be going back